A Simple World

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Please complete this form and we'll get back to you promptly with our bid for your project.

Approximate size of site:
(# of html pages)
Features Desired: 
(check applicable boxes)
Custom Graphics
3-D Graphics
JavaScript Buttons
Shopping Cart
Site Search Engine
Message Board
Custom CGI
MSQL Database
Development Budget: (estimate, provide range) $
Monthly Hosting Budget: (estimate, provide range) $
Your Full Name:
E-Mail Address:
Daytime Phone:
(IMPORTANT: plse. provide details about your needs, particularly on shopping cart or database projects.)
How did you find our site
(what search engine or link?)

A Division of The Lazarus Group Internet Services, LLC, 1042 N. El Camino Real, Suite B-177 Encinitas, CA 92024
Phone: 1-800-324-0572 or
760-583-6444 | Fax: 760-652-5587 | E-Mail: info@simpworld.com
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